Apa sih Life Is Options ?

Life is options seperti kata yang saya tulis diatas yang kurang lebih artinya begini : hidup adalah pilihan .

Sekilas kata kata itu terlihat biasa ya, menurut sebagian banyak orang menjalani hidup adalah pilihan dan pilihan itu umumnya ada dua, antara bahagia atau menderita.

Dua pilihan itu definisinya sangat luas apabila diartikan. Yang pertama "Bahagia", dalam ruang lingkup agama memilih hidup Bahagia berarti memilih kehidupan yang damai dan aman dengan menjalankan segala perintah Nya dan menjauhi larangan Nya , dengan segala keikhlasan dan harapan agar Tuhan memberikan pengampunan atas dosa dosa yang telah diperbuat selama hidupnya.

Sehingga Tuhan akan memberikan penghargaan dengan ganjaran surga. Selain taat pada perintah Tuhan yaitu dengan berbuat baik terhadap semua mahluk ciptaan Nya.
Sedangkan pengertian menurut pribadi saya menjalani hidup bahagia adalah dengan mencari dan mengumpulkan harta sebanyak banyaknya kemudian di hambur hamburkan untuk sekedar memenuhi nafsu, istilah lainya yaitu berfoya foya Tentunya cara yang ini not recomended ya 😁.

Dan pilihan kedua adalah hidup susah. Sobat pasti sudah tau dengan cara yang ini tanpa saya jelaskan juga. Intinya sebagian besar orang tidak akan memilih hidup menderita, tapi secara tidak sadar kebanyakan mereka memilih cara ini. Contohnya kecilnya: kebiasaan minum miras ,menggunakan narkoba, selingkuh, merokok, seks bebas dan masih banyak lagi yang lainya sehingga akan menimbulkan efek negatif terhadap fisik maupun psikologis. Di poin ini sebenarnya tergantung pada kesadaran dan kedewasaan masing-masing.

Itulah kehidupan, Life is options. Setiap orang berhak menentukan hidupnya manusia yang memiliki pemikiran yang sehat pasti akan selalu mengoreksi setiap kelakuan yang telah ia perbuat.

Karena setiap perbuatan akan menimbukan sebab akibat atau istilahnya "Karma". Tapi krmbali lagi pada pilihan pada pribadi masing-masing.

posted from Bloggeroid

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How to Make a Blog

Guide Make this blog I created to upfollow the previous post entitled, "How to Build Business Through Blog."
This guide is the first step that needs to be done to start proceeding towards business development through blogs.
Before continuing reading this article, I suggest to read the previous article first, In order for you to know the purpose of this guide article to create this blog.
Okay we started entering the alpha zone :)

In the previous article already explained about how to build a business through blog. Understanding blog itself what the hell? Please read first, " Blog and Blogger by Elna Blog ."
Once we get to know the blog, now we will make it. Before creating a blog, there are some things to note are:

1. Determine the niche blog (topics that will be discussed in our blog later).
(Read: Defining Niche Blog)
2. Specify the domain
(Read: Defining a Fit Domain)
3. Determining the blog title (blog title).
(Read: Defining blog Title)

Blog Creation Guide

1. Determine the niche blog

Determining the right niche for blogs that we will manage is a very important thing that we must do. Because niche blogs related to the quality of content and related to the life or death of our blog later.It is said related to the quality of the content means when we wrong determine the niche blog will affect the quality of the content because it does not control the material. And is said to be related to the life and death of the blog means when we do not know with the material automatically we will be constrained in the creation of content and so we will be lazy to create content and eventually our blog will be neglected.

Determining niche blog is the first step in making blog.
"How the hell do I determine the right blog niche?"

The trick is to choose one of the statements below. It would be better if the blog niche matches all the statements below.

A. Our niche blog is our hobby.
b. The niche of our blog is what we have mastered.
c. The niche of our blog is what we are learning.
d. Our niche blog is safe from sanctions.

A. Our niche blog is our hobby

Hobbies are activities that we like. While Niche blog is a topic of scope of discussion in the blog. Choosing a niche blog related to our hobby will certainly be more helpful to us in our next activity is in the creation of blog content. This means we will be more spirit in creating blog content, because we make is related to our hobby. For example our hobby to watch the ball, then choose nichenya soccer or sports, and the content that we make is also related to football.

B. The niche of our blog is what we have mastered

Choose a niche blog in accordance with what we are good at. Because what we have mastered will facilitate us in making the content. Mastering here means knowing. For example we are smart in linguistics, then we can determine our niche is the language.

C. The niche of our blog is what we are learning

What we are learning is what we can say later. In choosing a niche related to what we are learning will help us greatly. Itung-itung make remembering let not forget :) for example we are studying business, then we can use it as our blog niche, that is related to business.

D. Our niche blog is safe from sanctions

Niche blogs are safe from sanctions. This means that the niche blog does not conflict with applicable law that does not contain SARA, and others related to unlawful acts.



In determining niche blog, we can choose Niche related to our hobby to be more spirit in managing blog. It could also with what we mastered or the science we have learned and we master it so that we are not confused in creating blog content. In addition we can choose a niche blog related to what we are studying, so that we are easier in creating blog content as well. And the last is the niche blog that we will make must be safe from the threat of punishment, so that later no problem. So find a niche blog that is comfortable for us to live so we will be able to survive in the convenience of managing the blog :)

Blog Creation Guide

2. Determine Blog domain

Determining the blog domain before creating a blog is a step to consider carefully, because the blog domain is very influential on SEO (search engine optimization). Also affect the fame blog that we will make later. This step is the second step in creating a blog after determining Niche Blog
(Read: Defining Niche Blog)

What kind of domain does that fit?

There are two options to determine the right domain for your blog.
The first domain should be Simple, Attractive and Unique and Equal with the Title of blog or keyword.

Simple domain

Domain should be simple not too long and as much as possible to choose a short domain. Because it will be easier to see and easy to remember.

More simple though less interesting
Bad example
Too long and there is a number.

Attractive Domains

In addition to be simple, the domain should also be interesting. Attractive domain is a domain that is easy to spell, nice views and simple. This means that the domain is neatly arranged.
For example this blog
More readable than in the example above
Bad example
There is a number

Unique domains

Well this is a bit difficult. Domain must be unique. What is unique here is different from the others even no one is the same, meaning there is nothing similar.
Although less interesting but unique
Less unique example
Although the writing is unique but has many uses.

Equalize with the title of blog or keyword

In this case is usually used by bloggers who are SEO-oriented. They are targeting keywords that are becoming trending topics. Or keywords that are either visited or also keywords that pass to the search engine's start page ( google , bing , or other)

This domain shoots keywords that are being sought by many people.
Examples of domains that match the blog title
Blog title: admin policy
Domain: Policyadmin.blogspot.com
Title of blog: Guide check points
Domain: Guidecekpoin.blogspot.com
But we recommend replacing the spaces with the "-" sign.
Blog title: admin policy
Domain: policy-admin.blogspot.com
Why use the "-" sign ?
Because it will be very influential on SEO.

The above examples are sample domains from blogger.

Here's an example of a suitable and fitting domain:
These domains use a TLD (Top Level Domain) domain that is paid but more simple, unique and interesting.

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